Social Security traces

Comparing Social Security traces

In a recent post, I discussed Social Security traces, including what they are, how we use them at Phelps Research, and the problems with these reports. This time, I’ll...


Association of Independent Information Professionals

Why I’m a member of AIIP

As many of you know, I’m an active member and a past-president of the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP). I first joined in 2001, a year after starting...


Prevent fraud by verifying their degrees

The easiest way to catch a crook

I just received one of the best phone calls an investigator can get. A client called to say thanks and let me know that our due diligence process worked....

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Anatomy of an SSN trace

Anatomy of a Social Security trace

One of the first steps in creating our background reports is to run what’s known as a Social Security trace or an SSN trace. It’s a report that lists...


Wish list for information vendors

My wish list for information vendors

As an info pro/researcher/investigator, I use a lot of specialized database products for news, public records, and other info. As a result, I’ve had a chance to work with...


Tools for creating info visualizations

Tools for creating charts, maps, and diagrams

I recently taught a 1/2 day workshop at  WebSearch University in Washington DC on Visualization Tools for Turning Information Into Insights. At a conference that basically focuses on the...


Make The Right Choice

What Chart Type to Use?

One of the biggest challenges when creating effective charts is deciding which type to use. I’ve found that the best way to choose the appropriate chart is to listen...


Be prepared when people searching

People Searching – Be Prepared

Researching or investigating people can be one of the more challenging types of online searching – for several reasons: Precision is everything, good sources are hard to find, and...

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