missing pieces in a puzzle

Online public records – What’s missing?

As a professional investigator, online public records are some of my go-to sources for information about people and businesses. But searching the public record through online databases has its...


sign with two choices

Top post: Aggregators or direct sources?

This is an updated version of a post that was originally published in 2016. When buying information – public records, news, or legal filings – you have two choices:...

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dog dressed as private investigator

How to become a private investigator

How do I become a private investigator? People often ask me this question, and I generally offer some standard advice, but I decided to tap into my network of...


Too much information

Top post: Too much information – Now what?

This post was originally published on September 16, 2019. TMI. Too much information. Can the results of an investigation or research project provide so much information that it’s overwhelming?...


Mind the gap - What's missing

What’s missing from your research?

As an investigator or researcher, what you don’t find is often as important as what you do find – if not more. To be thorough, you need to be...

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