Top skills for sharing insights, not just data
It’s an amazing time in the information world. We can Google for answers 24/7, and we don’t need to master Boolean logic to search most premium databases. Finding quality...
It’s an amazing time in the information world. We can Google for answers 24/7, and we don’t need to master Boolean logic to search most premium databases. Finding quality...
News and social media searching is a big part of most of our investigations. Without the news, I wouldn’t have learned about a company’s legal issues that never made...
We search for information all the time. We make decisions, take actions, move toward a goal, all based on what we find. As you’ve heard me say, though, finding...
I live and work in a new neighborhood, and there’s construction all around. I’ve watched (and heard) the crews work, and I’m always amazed at their efficiency. It’s a...
Originally posted in November 2021. I still get these questions. As a private investigator, my area of specialty is fraud. I help my clients spot it and prevent it....
When you’re looking for information, whether it’s for an investigation, strategic planning, or making decisions, your sources matter. Skipping a source or using the wrong ones will change your...
After 22 years in business, I’ve learned that writing is one of my biggest business assets. As a private investigator, my findings mean nothing if I can’t explain them...
Happy New Year to all! As we roll into 2023, most of us do what people seem to do at this time of year. We start fresh and set...
On July 22nd, my husband and I suffered the heartbreaking loss of our dear son Dennis, known to all in the restaurant world as Chef Denn. Only weeks before,...
I’ve taken some time off from the blog for the summer for more time at the beach and with my camera, so here’s a favorite from August 2021. Some...