Text sign showing Are You Ready Question. Conceptual photo Be Prepared Motivated Warned Readiness Aware written on Notebook Book on the Green background Marker and Pen next to it.

Searching online public records – How to prepare

Searching public records such as corporation filings, recorded documents, and court records can be the most challenging type of online research – even for the professionals. I’ve been searching online information for more than 20 years, and public records never cease to amaze me. No uniformity among jurisdictions, missing records, clunky search tools, and other […]


Magnifying glass on laptop

Online public records: Top investigative challenges and what to do about them

In my experience as a librarian, business researcher, and private investigator, I’ve done a lot of online searching. I’ve reviewed, purchased, used, and taught others how to use all types of online databases. I’ve searched for all kinds of information. But the most challenging type of searching and the one topic that tests my fortitude […]

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