Picture of conference name badges to illustrate in-person networking

Use social media for better in-person connections

A couple of weeks ago, I attended what’s now become my must-attend professional event. It was the second annual, and second for me, Fraud Retreat, hosted by Jo Erven in Denver, Colorado. Don’t call it a conference, because it’s not that. No large crowds, no exhibit tables. This is more of a family affair, as […]


Screenshot of LinkedIn

Getting results with LinkedIn – What you need to know

If you own a small business, you probably don’t have a lot of time or much passion for marketing. When I first started as Phelps Research in early 2000, just the thought of dealing with sales funnels, cold calls, and endless coffee meetings, in addition to actually running my business, created a lot of stress. […]


vintage megaphone with one person speaking to many

Best marketing advice I’ve ever received

Since starting my business, I’ve had the honor of mentoring with some of the top people in the business, including Amelia Kassel, Mary Ellen Bates, and Kim Dority. They all gave me the same advice: Speak to many, instead of just one. As solopreneurs, they said, we don’t have time to meet each prospective client […]
