Levels of due diligence background investigations

Due diligence investigations come in all flavors

A previous post described the differences between a due diligence background investigation and a basic background check and why you shouldn’t settle for less than what you need. After that post, a colleague made a great comment in a Twitter conversation that should be addressed. Fellow Certified Fraud Examiner Robert Gardner, pointed out that “…there’s […]


Due diligence background investigations

Don’t rely on a basic background check

People often confuse a due diligence background investigation with other types of background checks, including employment, tenant, and regulatory checks. Unfortunately, this confusion can lead to a false sense of security. For example, some may feel that, since U.S. securities law requires broker-dealers to “fingerprint certain associated persons working in a non-registered capacity who may […]


Third-party due diligence

Manage risk with third-party due diligence

On February 6th, The New York Times reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) fired contractor Tiffany Brown, sole owner and employee of Tribute Contracting LLC. The agency hired Brown’s firm after Hurricane Maria to supply food for hungry residents in Puerto Rico. It appears that, instead of the agreed-upon 18.5 million meals, Brown […]


Yellow flags in due diligence background investigations

How to spot a scoundrel – Part 2

In due diligence, investigators look for different types of warning signs, often categorized as red flags or yellow flags. I’ve already talked about red flags, issues that turn up in the background check which, on their own, could jeopardize the investment or partnership. In this post, I’ll cover yellow flags – warning signs that individually may […]


red flags-due diligence background checks

Warning signs: How to spot a scoundrel

Running a due diligence background checks is a great way find out if if someone is not as honest as they appear – before you agree to do business. To do this, investigators look at past and current behavior to help predict the likelihood of future fraudulent activity. It’s the “once a crook, always a […]


Tracking corporate crimes

Tracking corporate crimes

When I need to keep up with the latest information sources, I can always count on ResearchBuzz‘s Tara Calishain , an expert on new and little-known online databases. And, thanks to Tara, I now have a great new resource to add to my due diligence investigations. This one caught my eye because it’s difficult to […]

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