Mind the gap - What's missing

What’s missing from your research?

As an investigator or researcher, what you don’t find is often as important as what you do find – if not more. To be thorough, you need to be...


Newspapers and tablet with business news

What sources do I use for searching news?

I’m frequently asked about what I use for news searching, so I thought I’d share my sources and why they’re so important to my investigations. Note that these include...


Word cloud for due diligence

What is due diligence?

In looking over past blog posts, I’ve realized that I frequently write about due diligence, but I’ve never really explained what it is. Also, judging by the questions I...


Text sign showing Are You Ready Question. Conceptual photo Be Prepared Motivated Warned Readiness Aware written on Notebook Book on the Green background Marker and Pen next to it.

Searching online public records – How to prepare

Searching public records such as corporation filings, recorded documents, and court records can be the most challenging type of online research – even for the professionals. I’ve been searching...


Go the extra mile for your clients

After the background investigation: What’s next?

You’ve finally completed the due diligence background investigation. You’ve gathered your findings, analyzed the results, and written and sent your report. Time to cross this one off your to-do...


Choices - Google alternatives

Time for a change: Google alternatives

Looking back at some blog statistics, it seems that readers can’t get enough of Google alternatives. Google is great, and – I must admit – it’s my usual starting...



Why it pays to pay for online information

If you read this blog, you know that I frequently advise others to conduct a background investigation on themselves. It pays to know what others find when they search...


2019 to 2020

What I learned in 2019

Happy New Year to all! I’ve always loved this time of year. Days start getting longer, there’s optimism in the air, and it offers an opportunity for a fresh...

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