numbered list

3-step approach to online research

No matter what type of work that you do, gathering information is an important first step. Planning an investigation? Preparing for big business decision? Conducting due diligence? All require...

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gavel, legal books, scales of justice

3 myths about online court searching

At one time, if you needed access to court records, you went to the courthouse and manually searched through paper filings. Thankfully, things have changed through the years, with...


Online research when to stop

Online searching: When to stop

When you’re using online sources for in-depth research or investigations, it’s easy to get lost in a hyperlinked rabbit hole or two. Even if you have a strategy and...


Magic wand and laptop

Librarian superpowers

I recently participated in a panel discussion for an AIIP webinar, Running a Successful Private Investigations Business, along with Michael Donaldson, Tim Hardiman, and moderator Eddie Ajaeb. One of...


Stack of newspapers next to laptop

Online news searching: Why?

Whether you’re conducting due diligence, finding hidden assets, or just digging deep into a company’s or person’s background, news searching is an important step in your intelligence-gathering process. I...


board with mentoring words

Why I’m a mentor

January is National Mentoring Month here in the U.S., and January 17th is International Mentoring Day.  As someone who has experienced both sides of mentoring, I know that it’s worth...


Goals for the new year

What I’ll do differently in 2021

Say what you will about 2020, it was definitely a learning experience. The end of the year is always a good time to reflect and plan for what’s next,...

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